Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Feds consider capturing/killing Barred Owls to halt population losses of endangered Northern Spotted Owl

Barred Owl

This is relevant to a presentation I'm giving tomorrow. The USFWS is contemplating capturing and/or killing barred owls that have been creeping into the habitat of the endangered northern spotted owl and the killing/capturing must be done to prevent the extinction of the species. Some argue that this is simply "survival of the fittest" at its best.

Northern Spotted Owl
What those people do not realize is that the habitat for the northern spotted owl is not being destroyed or impeded upon by the Barred owls, but rather destroyed and greatly reduced due to the clear-cutting and deforestation techniques involved with the logging industry. The number of NSOs is being reduced even greater by human interference with the habitat, and the barred owls, being top of the food chain predators, are simply taking advantage of the opportunity. The logging industry is not entirely to blame however, their actions are exacerbating the problem.

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